Most of these countries have legislation already in place and national strategic road maps geared toward eliminating vertebrate animal testing in the United States. They amended TSCA, the Toxic Substances Control Act the same way that we're trying to amend CEPA here.
The Environmental Protection Agency was told that within two years of that act's passing, it had to come up with a strategic road map to phase out and reduce and replace the use of vertebrate animals in chemical safety testing. They did that. I was there as a Canadian expert to provide feedback on that.
Then the U.S. Food and Drug Administration is going to be going through a transformation with the FDA Modernization Act, under which manufacturers and sponsors will be able to use alternative methods to test the safety and effectiveness of drugs.
There are three national strategic road maps in the United States. One was written by 16 federal agencies that use animals for scientific purposes; there is also the EPA road map and an FDA road map on top of the recent legislation.