Mr. Rehn, I can't let you answer because we don't have much time, but from what I understand, Canada is leaps and bounds ahead when it comes to putting us at risk, but in terms of labelling, it is lagging behind 63 countries.
Mr. Masterson, your association oversees all lobbying activities on behalf of the industry that pertain to Bill S‑5. During COP27, you launched a campaign called “Save Plastic,” the main message of which was that we should continue to produce plastic because it is not toxic.
For example, we are finding microplastics in the environment and floating in the oceans. When microplastics are very light, they break down and become what is called nanoplastic which is even smaller and can be found in the human body, the placenta, the liver, etc.
Are you able to state here that microplastics are not toxic?