Perhaps I'll go. Maybe John is not available right now, so I can start.
The watch-list is one of the options at the end of having assessed a substance to determine whether there is a harm to the environment or to human health. There are four options after that.
It can be put on schedule 1, and one of the options in there is that it could be put on the watch-list. The idea there is that this would be one of the ways the watch-list would be used. If after assessment it is determined that the properties of the substance are hazardous but that the exposure is such that there is no risk at this time such that it would be put on schedule 1 to be managed formally, then that could be put on the watch-list. The watch-list is a consolidated list of substances basically giving the notice that these substances are not toxic at this time but may be reassessed and be found to be toxic if, for example, exposure changes.