There are two major issues being discussed around new living organisms. One is about adding a requirement to determine whether there is a demonstrable need. The other is about transparency and participation in the process.
On the first issue, I think the act and the program assess for risk. That's clearly set out under clause 64 of the bill. They're assessing for harm to the environment and danger to public health, or danger to the environment on which health depends. That's the risk assessment. It takes into account hazard plus exposure to determine what the risk is.
Demonstrable need doesn't really fit into that rubric. Demonstrable need is perhaps more of a value judgment and is not something the departments do right now, so the implications of the Senate amendments are to add a completely new element of evaluation.
The other part, on participation in this process, is about providing more opportunity for participation.
You were asking about this amendment. It amends the Senate amendments. It does not include demonstrable need, but it codifies what is now a voluntary practice for participation on risk assessments within the risk assessment process for new living organisms.