The chief asked me to say something from the youth perspective when you asked about mental health. I think it's very important that we communicate that way, through the youth. I'm speaking as someone who grew up with industry. I was born and raised in the Fort McMurray region, and Fort Chip has a special place in my heart. My family is from Fort Chip. I go there every second week, or every week sometimes now with work.
As somebody who is just starting on my journey and starting in life, I question whether it's a safe place to bring up a family and to bring children to swim, as Chief Tuccaro said. I swam at the lakefront. Is something going to happen to me because I grew up with industry? These are mental health things and the questions we're asking ourselves.
Thank you to the chief for helping me say that today. It's very important to say that people my age and people who are younger than me are growing up with this. Either they're going to become so jaded that they're not going to look out for themselves anymore, or they're going to become more and more active in this process, so we should start moving on it.