No, Madam, I did not receive any confirmation about what you asked in regard to the health issue.
Feeling the effects of what goes on and not knowing the future if we continue going down this path is a crisis on its own. The health issue that I talked about in the past—and I don't speak about it too much anymore—is still there. It never went away. It only increased.
You heard Chief Tuccaro mention that one of his friends passed away from bile duct cancer. You talked about Dr. John O'Connor. We were the first nation that lobbied on behalf of Dr. O'Connor to get his licence reinstated because of what Alberta did to him. It wasn't right for him to be punished and to have his doctor's licence taken away for speaking the truth.
I still hear from Dr. O'Connor. I talked to him last week. Do you want to know why? He took over the file of my father-in-law and will be his doctor. Do you know what he told me? “Chief, I'm worried that your father-in-law has bile duct cancer.” I did not want to hear that.
What they are saying is true, and we feel the effects of it. I'm trying to sit here before you, Madam, and hold back the tears in my eyes right now because of this issue.