Yes. That's a very important question, Heather.
I think you need to ask the AER what they are going to do to change. What are they going to do to stop these tailings ponds from leaking?
We also can't ignore the fact that the AER regulates based on Alberta policies. What is the Alberta government doing in the update of their lower Athabaska regional plan? What are they doing regarding a tailings risk assessment and tailings management framework to limit growth and these tailings ponds from seeping?
You can ask Imperial why they are not responding to our information request on the sharing of data. We know that, number one, the release—that is, the seepage—going into the groundwater is still happening today. It has been happening for years, yet we do not have groundwater data. We do not have information to understand what PAH is. We do not have federal regulations to limit PAHs, which are carcinogenic. What is Imperial doing to stop the seepage?
They were told in their application that where they were building the tailings ponds was not a good location per the geotechnical information, and they have done nothing to mitigate. The AER allows them to go on developing without mitigation and management responses to stop the leaking of these tailings ponds into our river system and into our food sources.
Those are important questions to ask the AER and Imperial.