Thank you very much.
Thank you to all the witnesses for some very profound, disturbing and moving testimony.
I know I speak for the entire committee, Chief Adam, when I wish your father-in-law well and your family strength in dealing with his health crisis.
We will break briefly to bring in the next panel. I've put in a request to see if it's possible to add an extra 15 minutes to the next segment. I'll have an answer hopefully shortly.
Thank you to Chief Adam, Mr. Grygar, Ms. Davies-Flett and others who have come here a long way. I've been up to Fort Chipewyan. I know there's no direct flight, but it's a beautiful territory. We really enjoyed our time up there back in 2009. I wish you only the best. Your testimony will serve very well for the questioning of both Imperial Oil and the regulator. Thank you again for coming up.