That's great.
My name is Dan Stuckless. I'm the interim director of administration for Fort McKay Métis Nation. My colleague, Margaret Luker, who's the interim director for the sustainability centre, is joining me. We'll be available to answer any of your questions. Between the two of us, we have over 30 years of experience working for indigenous communities and with government and industry on oil sands issues, on cumulative effects and, notably, on tailings ponds and tailings issues.
In the view of the Fort McKay Métis Nation, the events that have transpired are negligent. This has been avoidable from the start, and it should not have happened. To date, no one has been held accountable for the incident, and it is unacceptable that individuals or departments that have allowed this incident to occur are still either working on the issue or working in our region.
When we met with the AER CEO, Laurie Pushor, recently, I asked him who had been fired. I still do not have an answer to that question, and I really think it's because of the traditional coddling nature and cozy relationship between the oil sands producers and the executives at the AER. I'm not expecting much change from a captured regulator, to be honest. In fact, the AER's only admission that anything improper had occurred was in terms of the lapse in communication in the original timing of the identified seeps in the overland flooding last spring and the continuous seepage that occurred right up until this time, in early February, when the EPO was issued.
Any normal person can see that this is a clear conflict of interest and that having the AER as both the enforcement and the judge for these projects is improper.
If you're familiar with the AER—and you probably have heard a lot about it by now—it's not until you get mean letters numbers one, two and three from the AER that you actually have to get a file started on a non-compliance, if you're an operator. The AER has zero credibility outside of Calgary's echo chamber, and it actively dismisses and downplays the impacts of the oil sands on communities and their aboriginal and treaty rights.
It is imperative that we have federal oversight on these issues, which impact people, their human rights and their access to clean water, and which, of course, have cumulative impacts on treaty and aboriginal rights.
To date we have not heard from Alberta on this issue. We have heard now from a fourth premier: After Stelmach, Redford and Notley, now Smith says they are going to take action on tailings ponds. This is empty bluster, and shallow follow-through is really getting old for us.
This is how the duty to consult process is supposed to work. Of course, when incidents like these occur—when there are instances that limit the execution of those rights—the duty to accommodate should come in and apply. Without a continuous understanding of when the duty to consult is under way, when issues need to be mitigated—when those infringements that are occurring need to be avoided but can't be avoided or mitigated—they need to be compensated and accommodated, and they have not been. There is still no case in Alberta in which there's been an accommodation for any impacted right, or even recognition of those impacts.
We just wanted to ask the members of the committee, does that make any sense to you?
Alberta is absent. Its processes are broken. Its systems are designed to point perpetually in the other direction, to have your concerns resolved while permits, approvals and leases fly out the door. We have effectively created a two-tier system in Canada for section 35, and Métis members are third-class citizens, after Canadians and even after first nations.
Some of what I've told you might make sense if you're familiar with these types of issues. If you take anything away from what I'm telling you today, it should be that we have a big problem. It is not just an Imperial seepage issue. That is important and why we're talking to you today; however, this is a systemic issue. It's an issue of racial discrimination and government ineptitude, from politics and policy right down to directives, regulations and the lack of enforceability.
This has been happening for decades. We still have other tailings ponds, mainly those belonging to Suncor, that have seeped into the river, and now we are deciding to take action or make note because of the Imperial incident. This needs to be applied across the industry.
I heard my colleague who spoke before mention the lower Athabasca regional plan and that it was challenged and has not changed. Its tailings management framework did not consider the impact on aboriginal and treaty rights. I know this because I asked that question directly and was told. The directives—the standards—around tailings have been lowered and lowered. While this occurs, we are in the middle of co-developing water discharge release criteria and regulations.
Earlier this morning, we were in receipt of a letter from the minister, and we actually support the creation of a working group to continue working on these matters.
That's my opening statement.