Thank you very much.
In that case, I want to start my questions with the environment minister from the Northwest Territories.
Thank you so much for being here with us virtually.
I want to put to you, Minister, some of the testimony that this committee received on March 30, 2010, from the late world-renowned water scientist, Dr. David Schindler. I recommend that the committee read the Hansard of that date for its study.
He said at that time to this committee, referring to detailed analysis he did of water in and around the oil sands, “We...found high concentrations of several contaminants.” He went on to say that in reviewing this, his conclusion was that the industry was “adding substantially to the contaminant burdens of the Athabasca River by both airborne and waterborne pathways.”
He also concluded back then, 13 years ago, that our evidence from the National Pollutant Release Inventory “indicate[d] that oil sands companies should be charged under the Fisheries Act.”
It's not entirely a hypothetical question to the minister. I'm wondering, given the current situation, if you believe that we should be pursuing charges because of contamination with effects downstream in the Northwest Territories.