Fantastic. Good evening and thank you for this opportunity to speak about nuclear waste management and governance in Canada.
I would like to recognize that I am joining you today from my office in Ottawa, which is in the traditional unceded territory of the Algonquin Anishinabe people.
Nuclear energy is an important part of Canada's energy mix. It currently accounts for 15% of our electricity generation and contributes to Canada's 82% non-emitting electricity supply. While nuclear provides Canada with a source of non-emitting energy, as well as medical isotopes that are vital to both Canada and the world, it also produces radioactive waste, which needs to be carefully managed.
Protecting the health and safety of Canadians and the environment is the government's top priority regarding nuclear energy. The government is committed to continuous improvement with respect to ensuring that safe solutions are in place for managing radioactive waste and decommissioning now and into the future. This commitment is supported by Canada's independent, international peer reviewed nuclear regulator, the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission, which reports to Parliament through the Minister of Natural Resources and whose regulatory decisions are only reviewable by the Federal Court.
The most recent review by the International Atomic Energy Agency found that Canada has a comprehensive framework for nuclear and radiation safety covering current facilities and activities. It also noted that the CNSC strives to continuously upgrade its regulatory framework to address new challenges in relation to upcoming technologies, such as small modular reactors.
Our commitment to continuous improvement includes ensuring a strong radioactive waste policy is in place that further provides Canadians with confidence in the long-term management of all of Canada's radioactive waste.
The government is evaluating Canada's current radioactive waste policy, and we are developing a comprehensive new policy to ensure that we continue to have a strong foundation for the ongoing use of nuclear energy. That is why we launched an inclusive engagement process to develop a modernized policy for radioactive waste management and decommissioning, including any waste from future technologies, such as small modular reactors.
From November 2020 to May 2021, we met with and received written feedback from indigenous peoples, public interest groups, waste producers and owners, other levels of government and other interested Canadians on how they would like to see our radioactive waste policy modernized. From that feedback, we released on February 1—just about a month ago—a draft policy for radioactive waste management and decommissioning with a 60-day public comment period. We are seeking written feedback until April 2 from the public on this draft policy, which we then plan to finalize before the end of the year.
Our goal is to inform a modernized radioactive waste policy that continues to meet international standards based on best available science and that reflects the values and principles of Canadians, including our indigenous peoples.
I'm really pleased to be here tonight and to be joined this evening by Jim Delaney and Justin Hannah, directors from our nuclear group. We welcome any questions that you might have. Thank you very much.