We focused on the federal program, the two billion trees. They do have partners that also partner with provinces. There are several different tree-planting programs.
Our focus was on the two billion trees program for the first half of this audit and then on forest accounting for the second half of this audit.
At the two-year mark, which is when we did this audit in the hopes of doing essentially a report card on the early return so they could course correct and still meet the two billion trees target by 2031, we found that they were slow off the mark in creating the necessary partnerships primarily with the provinces, because, as you know, most Crown land in Canada in the provinces is with the provincial Crown rather than the federal Crown. Essentially they've designed a program where the federal government, in order to achieve its objective, is an obligate collaborator with the provinces and others. If they can't find enough dance partners, they can't complete the dance of the two billion trees, using that analogy.
They've made some progress since we've finished the audit in those partnerships, but they have a long way to go.