I'll wait for a signal from the interpreters.
That's good. So getting back to the coordination issue, the Canadian water agency was created to ensure better coordination, wasn't it?
The creation of that agency was mentioned in motion M‑34 of 2020‑2021.
Under that motion, the committee was to study the creation of the Canada water agency. However, it was ultimately created without the committee studying the matter.
I'd like to know if the federal government intends to listen to Quebec, which has more than 60 lakes with areas greater than 50 square kilometers and a long and rich history of protecting that vital resource.
I ask the question because I remember that the Quebec government wrote to Mr. Wilkinson in 2021 to say that the Canada water agency encroached on Quebec's jurisdiction.
Mr. Wolfish, have relations improved at all since then with Quebec's Ministère de l'Environnement, de la Lutte contre les changements climatiques, de la Faune et des Parcs?