I have yet to have anybody explain to me how a carbon tax in Canada will affect anything that happens in Canada in terms of droughts, floods and all those kinds of things. Again, we're all entitled to our own opinions, but not our own facts. The fact that Canada emits 1.5% of global CO2 means that not much we do in Canada will have any effect either on the global climate or on Canada's, in general.
Where we can make a significant impact is through adaptation and mitigation. Protecting our natural heritage, our great forests and grasslands as carbon sinks, is critically important. That's why I talked about natural infrastructure.
In terms of hard infrastructure, what Duff Roblin did.... We didn't call it climate change back then, but the miracle of the Winnipeg floodway and the associated flood control works have saved Winnipeg many times over.
One last point I want to make about the federal government is we're trying to build a lake—