Yes, and we have a problem answering that. Right now, we're currently launched in the third phase of a contamination study that does not touch anything outside of the contamination standards of Canada, but we're looking to alter standards.
However, we have conducted other studies in the community with Environment Quebec. In such areas, it was found that they had a lot of hydrocarbons and cancerous carcinogens in chemicals found inside the soil. This is impacting not only the water but the wildlife and the plant life, and it's impacting everything, all the surrounding areas. We have a very big species at risk area which we are—how would we say it—identifying and managing right now. Not only does it impact inside the forest, but it's impacting the health of our community, because our community is not far from the site. You can smell it in the morning. You can almost taste it in the air when you go through there.
I've been on the site several times, and it's unbearable. We've had some people from ISC, from the Quebec regional office, come down, and they couldn't even stand it themselves. This site is just sitting there. It's fermenting. It's rotting. We're not sure how far this has gone down underneath the surface. We have very important water aquifers that feed our water supply, not only through artesian wells, but that also spill into the Ottawa River.
My concerns are that water is life, and our policies have to reflect that of life and make your policies stronger, in a sense. Where things are giving you life—animals, waters, plants—you should also put a heavier and substantial penalty on those who contaminate and those who don't follow environmental policies, because what we're dealing with here, gentlemen, is life and life surrounding. We've got to take care of that. We have to manage that. To me, there's no other priority than that.
On top of that, to add to that, our community since 1960 has been used as a dumping ground not only for the Columbium site, the mine site that is close by, but for other construction projects such as the 720 and the Champlain Bridge. Mayor Plante speaks so much about her green strategies, yet she's dumping all her infrastructure in our backyard. I'm not too pleased about that.
Our cancer rates are now at 1.77 cases per household, on average. That is highly unacceptable. Our people are dropping like flies left and right. It's beyond G&R. There's a lot more to this place. It's been going on for too long. Everyone knew about this—provincial governments and federal governments—but now it's coming to the surface.
Your policies are weak. Your policies need to be strengthened. Your policies need to reflect the human aspect of life and not just give fines, because money is nothing to some corporations. What we need to consider is all the constituents along the Ottawa Valley downstream going into the St. Lawrence as well.
I share with Mr. Clark here his concerns about his salmon population in B.C. First nation lives are taken for granted: “once we kill them all off, we can take the land”. I sympathize with Mr. Clark where first nations are concerned. They have to be listened to, because we have the key in first nation knowledge and can help you in your policies and to manage in the future.
However, we have to manage the sources of the contamination, which is and has to be including the city of Montreal and all surrounding municipalities and governments that actually enable these companies to come here and dump this on us, because I consider this nothing but environmental racism.
Thank you very much.