I think it really speaks to the need to understand and respect mandates, jurisdictions and the role that all of the players play. I think there is a need and an opportunity for strong federal leadership, but it needs to be federal leadership that takes a collaborative approach with its provincial and municipal partners and the farmers who are often on the land and on the front lines of this debate. We see this not as a need for the federal government to expand its mandate but to act as a convenor and facilitator to bring more people together and develop common approaches.
With the provincial responsibility for water monitoring and water quality in Canada, we struggle with different approaches, different definitions, different standards used across the country. Bringing people together to develop a more common set of ways to talk about water research, water information and water availability is a small thing that can make a big difference.
I think there is an important opportunity as well in trying to better align and invest in that research so that we all have a common understanding of what we are really talking about with water availability and water quantity. Again, I think that's a real role that the Canada water agency can play to support other partners, and the federal government can play a supportive role, an enabling role, recognizing the limited mandate that it actually has on this issue.