First of all, I would remind the panel that the board of the AER conducted this review. They used an open, public request for proposals process and selected the vendor they believed best met their interests and criteria. The board advised me that their interest was in ensuring that we looked at, through this study, our processes and procedures around communication and incident management. That was the scope of the proposal that I mentioned in April. It's included in very public documents around the RFP and the terms of reference and so on.
What Deloitte does in a matter like this is not unlike independently contracting an audit.
I would respectfully challenge you, someone who sits as part of a government that uses Deloitte extensively, that I'm sure we can be confident in Deloitte's integrity. They conducted a thorough review, including all of our documented policies and procedures, including interviewing internal staff at the AER, as well as going beyond that to talk to the communities to ensure they understood what the community expectations were.