Well, as I indicated, the monitoring done on the Firebag, Muskeg and Athabasca rivers is collaborative, involving Environment and Climate Change Canada, Alberta's Environment and Protected Areas department and local communities. When you examine that data, you will not.... I am advised there are no anomalies or indications that anything from the Kearl situation made it to those water bodies. That's what I was referring to. In addition to that, we have compelled Imperial to do increased monitoring along the Firebag to ensure we keep a close watch on any suggestion that something might be happening there. Most importantly, we've done an extensive requirement for them to drill monitoring wells and continue to monitor what's happening in the groundwater. We'll continue to keep a very close eye on that.
When the waterbody 3 napthenic acids and F2 hydrocarbons results were shown, it was for a very brief period of time in one part of that water body. Waterbody 3 is an integral part of the approved mine plan. Because they haven't commenced using it yet, we expect them to preserve it as a healthy wetland. Steps were taken immediately to protect that water body and ensure a fish barrier was put in place, so the migration of the minnows that exist in that water body couldn't occur. Monitoring was enhanced. It's fair to say that the water body returned to stable, healthy...all within the testing standards throughout the summer.