I can tell you that the standards that we at the AER are expected to hold industry to comply with are world-leading.
I would also note that you continue to refer to this as having the largest impact. It may be by volume, but I would remind you that the recovery of that fluid was extremely high because of the fact that it occurred at -30° and was mostly runoff, so it froze upon release.
We will do our best to take the lessons from this, make sure we continue to improve and strengthen our operations at the AER, and do the best we can for the people of Alberta. We will interact with our colleagues at the Government of Alberta where we see and feel that there may be needs for regulatory enhancements. We will work to support our colleagues as they do that.
We will come to work every day to ensure that the people of Fort McMurray know there's a regulator on the job ensuring that industry is complying with the expectations that all Albertans have for that industry. That's the role of the regulator. While I get criticized from some on some sides of the ledger, I can assure you I get criticized from all sides. That is the life of a regulator. We accept that willingly and we understand that's our role.
Be assured that there are 1,000 people at the Alberta Energy Regulator who get up every day and attend and diligently do their best to ensure industry is complying with the standards Albertans expect them to.