Thank you, Mr. Chair.
Mr. Pushor, you mentioned that the plume of contamination has been defined. I would highly encourage you to share the data from that definition of the plume with the Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation. They haven't yet received the definition of the plume. I think a map and the data associated with it would be very important for them to receive as quickly as possible.
I want to touch on Suncor's proposed expansion on top of the McClelland wetlands complex. This is an ecologically valuable wetland that, until 1996, was protected from development. Now Suncor is going to be allowed to mine half of it and store tailings in that area that has been mined. The number I've seen is 60 square kilometres of tailings ponds on top of the former wetland. To prevent seepage from the tailings facility into the remainder of the wetland, they are proposing to build a 70 metre deep impermeable wall down into the soil to prevent the groundwater from migrating from one side of the wetland to the other.
Have you heard of this approach being used elsewhere in the oil sands or elsewhere in Canada for managing the migration of groundwater between a tailings facility and a wetland?