Sure. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
I won't repeat what I said last time. I will just briefly remind you of what is in the seven-page FLOW submission.
The FLOW submission looks back half a century and forward a couple of decades. If you look back half a century, it concludes that we have been steadily bending the arc of history in the direction of justice. To look forward suggests that there's considerable potential to continue that trend.
The submission takes both the evolving issues and the evolving convention of wisdom into account and briefly describes 15 priority areas.
We use two main criteria in choosing the priorities. First, they have to be of national importance, and second, they have to be ripe for significant progress over the next few years.
As short-term priorities, say over the next five years, we speak to the Canada water agency, improved collaboration, Canada-U.S. shared waters, indigenous drinking water, flood damage reduction, climate change adaptations, water prediction, river basin priorities, water data and water research. That overlaps with what you just heard here.
As medium-term priorities, say over the next five to 10 years, we speak to legislative renewal, chemicals managements, water apportionment and principles for a watershed approach.
Finally, as a long-term priority over some undetermined period of time, we foresee evolving social justice principles being incorporated more fulsomely into water management decisions.
I'll leave it at that and welcome questions from the members.