You stated that the toxic plume extends 1.3 kilometres. You said that 1.3 kilometres is more than halfway to the Firebag River, that it includes boggy land feeding the Firebag River—actual tributaries—and of course the small lake known as Waterbody 3.
We know that there are still toxins seeping into this environment. The head of the AER admitted that to this committee a couple of weeks ago. The off-lease monitoring wells are still measuring PAHs. Downstream communities have reported sulphur and iron in their community-based monitoring since the spill. You say that drinking water isn't affected downstream.
Mr. Corson, to be perfectly honest, I don't understand how any Canadian can take what you're saying to this committee as truth. I find all of your testimony to be massively problematic. It doesn't align at all with people who are living on the land and who are in those communities and the measuring and monitoring that we've actually seen.
I have very big problems with your testimony, Mr. Corson.