Thank you.
I'll now pivot over to the health concerns.
We've had 17 people die of rare bile duct cancer. The normal incidence is one in 100,000. We don't have 100,000 people and we don't have 10,000 people. We have a fraction of that number who are being affected by bile duct cancer. The energy regulator who spoke to us said, “Well, that's another department: Go to Health Canada.”
When you're working with the Chippewas of the Athabasca, in terms of monitoring and in taking some of the $11 billion in profits to be reinvested into communities such as the Chippewas to see whether they could be involved in monitoring to look into the health concerns they have, could you talk about the investments you're making, both in financial terms and also in discussions with the impacts on their way of life and their society?