Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen.
Thank you for the opportunity to speak to you today.
All of my professional experience has been in British Columbia, where I live, so it's from that perspective that I speak to you.
It wasn't until 2016 that B.C. began licensing groundwater use—decades after other Canadian jurisdictions. Historical investment in groundwater science and monitoring has thus been minimal and insufficient to provide the scientific understanding needed to support the depth of decision-making required today. B.C. is in catch-up mode.
Going forward, British Columbia faces enormous pressures in land and natural resource development, population growth and the water needed to support that. At the same time, B.C. needs to reconcile with indigenous nations in unceded territory. B.C. will also suffer from year-to-year province-wide drought and limits to surface and groundwater supplies. We'll need to address the significant lack of public confidence in how water is managed. All of the above will negatively impact sustainable development in British Columbia and in Canada.
Licensing of groundwater use provides a legal framework, as well as an opportunity to achieve environmental sustainability, economic prosperity, food security and reconciliation with indigenous nations. However, a significant and sustained investment, including investment from the Government of Canada, is needed to achieve this.
The following are recommendations for your consideration.
Increase federal investment and collaboration to support water science, monitoring and planning for B.C., local governments and indigenous nations; to support water infrastructure funding for small, rural farmers and business owners to enable them to withstand chronic water shortages and keep business going—for example, by increasing water storage during drier times of the year; and to support water education initiatives in collaboration with other levels of government to help strengthen meaningful public participation in planning and decision-making processes.
Improve the working relationship between Canada and British Columbia in groundwater so that it recognizes the unique nature of B.C.'s hydrogeology, water supply limits, legislation and operating conditions. Strong and fearless leadership from Canada, as well as from B.C., is required in this endeavour.
Related to the last point, federal responsibility for water science and water infrastructure is scattered in different agencies and appears uncoordinated with provincial efforts. Reviewing ways to consolidate it where it makes sense and improve current methods of seeking meaningful provincial input and collaboration would help.
I am convinced, based on my public service experience in B.C., that when governments treat groundwater not just as a crisis issue but more as a valuable resource—i.e., as a sustained priority—trust, reconciliation and sustainable development will follow.
If you want to discuss this further, please don't hesitate to contact me or ask me questions.
Thank you.