That's exactly where they're going.
One of the strengths of that development we did collaboratively with MFGA was that it was a model designed with the producers in mind. They actually had a seat at the table. When we designed the model, we designed the interface. How are they going to use it? They were there working with us all the way through.
We're at the point now—although we're modelling 155,000 square kilometres of the Assiniboine River basin—where an individual producer can go down into a section, and get insights on changes in soil moisture and changes in groundwater levels over what we would say is a short term, which is seven days. Then 30 days is a longer-term working forecast.
Now, hydrologic forecasts are as accurate as the weather forecasts, and maybe a little less accurate. It's an emerging technology. Weather forecasts get better, and when that happens hydrologic forecasts get better. I think we have to condition producers and work with them to design tools that they can use when climate change has more and more of an impact on their operations.