Could I add something to Ken's remarks? The previous witnesses have also spoken about the fact that in some cases the identity of an individual can be deduced by officials within a department when it is a media person or a journalist who has made the request, because if I remember correctly--I'm not quoting verbatim--so-and-so has been writing stories about such-and-such, and here we have an access request from an individual about this topic; it's a journalist; it must be Fred. I don't know exactly the number of journalists in this country, but there are not thousands and thousands of journalists making access to information requests; there is a limited number of journalists, in fact. It's a small pool, so the moment you do identify that this is a request from a journalist, then the chances of someone's being able to guess rightly that it's Jim Bronskill, because he's been writing about CIA planes, are very high.
On October 16th, 2006. See this statement in context.