We want to confirm that with the evaluation. The reason we feel it has been quite successful is based on a couple of things: informal feedback from those agents who have had the opportunity to appear before the panel, as well as, I would suggest, the time that was required to get to some fruitful and positive outcomes. Typically when the agents bring forward Treasury Board submissions to the Treasury Board Secretariat, there is a highly iterative process, just as with any other department or agency, but because of the independence of the agents, there's a greater unease in that change of information on their part, which is quite understandable. And that tends to slow us down, frankly. Last year, when we had the benefit of the panel, I think there was a greater degree of confidence and comfort and ease around the exchange of information, and we were able to get to bottom-line recommendations much faster.
On October 25th, 2006. See this statement in context.