You could then start the process of clearing up this backlog and so on.
If I could have a bit more time, Mr. Chair, there's one other item here that I'm curious about, and it relates somewhat to Mr. Wallace's question. I'm looking at your bar graph in table 1--it's on page 8, in the same report. It sets out the number of inquiries that are pending, received, completed, and under investigation. It shows a significant increase in the number of inquiries that are completed, but at the same time, the number pending from the previous year also went up.
I'm thinking that if the expectation was that in 2006-07 you'd have your funding in place now and you could start clearing up this backlog, that you were going to complete more cases in this 2006-07 fiscal year compared to the previous year.... The number pending actually didn't drop.
Do you see what I mean here?