I can jump in.
You probably can complain right now to the Privacy Commissioner if you have reason to believe your personal information was somehow accessed by someone without your knowledge or consent, even if it was purely accidental or an act of someone with deliberate intention to subvert an information system. The reason you can do it is due to the ten principles of the CSA code, which the Privacy Commissioner is responsible for enforcing and companies and organizations are responsible for administering. It requires organizations to take proper security, proper steps to secure the personal information that is in their hands. Negligence, or an inability to protect that information, is really no justification or excuse for not complying with the act.
The issue you're raising is one that I think the committee is going to hear about from other people. It has risen in the United States, as your researcher has pointed out. There are a number of states in the U.S. that have adopted duties to notify, or breach notifications. There are various terms for it, I think quite a few—over 30. They have different approaches. One of the difficulties is that it is state by state, and therefore quite fragmented, across the U.S.
That's an issue that has come up in our consultations and that I think will come up before the committee. But it's not black and white that there is nothing there versus a duty to notify. In fact, there are a number of obligations under PIPEDA that organizations should comply with. In your case, to take that example, you would be able to go to the Privacy Commissioner. The difference is, as Michael Binder pointed out, that there is no obligation to notify everybody in a public way, which is what most of the laws in the U.S. do require.