As I mentioned, if you go to slide 20, one of the key issues is the role and powers of the Privacy Commissioner. You will hear from the commissioner herself quite soon, and she will certainly talk about that.
Another issue that has been brought to our attention will be called transporter data flows by some people. It's really the international dimension to the protection of privacy and the need to look at issues surrounding the increasing outsourcing and offshoring of data processing and therefore personal information. But there are a number of technical and definitional issues that have been brought up. The Canadian Bar Association has made a number of suggestions along those lines.
Looking at slide 21, continuing with some of the areas that will come to your attention that we have heard about, the employee-employer relationship and personal information having a different dynamic in an employer-employee relationship than it does in the commercial marketplace is certainly one issue that will be raised. There have been calls to remove privacy protection for employee e-mail and fax numbers, and this goes to the definition of personal information and whether or not it's like a telephone number and you need to protect employee e-mail numbers. Isn't it contact information, much as a telephone number is?
As for mergers and acquisitions, you'll certainly hear from witnesses regarding the need for flexibility in terms of due diligence relating to mergers and acquisitions. Again, you'll probably hear different views on that.
There'll be many suggestions regarding the definition of work product as something distinct from personal information. This is a technical issue that does have some significance in a number of sectors of the economy, and we can talk about that if committee members wish.
These are very likely the issues on which you'll hear a lot more from others, starting with the Privacy Commissioner, who has views on some of these issues. As the final word, the bottom line so to speak, the last slide points out some of the commendations or testimonials on the privacy regime in Canada that have received very high grades internationally from the business community, as you'll see in those quotations. Some of you may have seen The Globe and Mail article about two or three weeks ago that reported on a study by Privacy International, which is an international group advocating stronger privacy protection across a number of countries. It ranks Canada and Germany with the best grades for privacy protection in the 30-plus countries they examined. So we do have a good basis on which to work, in our opinion.
Thank you.