Thank you and good afternoon.
You have received copies of the document that we will refer to as we provide an overview of the legislation.
I'll go through the individual slides, as you've suggested, Mr. Chairman, quite briskly. Please stop me if you want to ask a question at a particular point.
If you look at the first slide, which shows in graphic format the size of the online marketplace in Canada, the key point is that the protection of personal information is a core element in the legal framework for a global networked economy.
The next slide gives you a brief chronology of work that has been under way for a number of years on privacy protection, both here in Canada and internationally. Some of the key dates are 1984, when the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, the OECD, issued guidelines for the protection of privacy and transborder data flows. This is quite important, because it has formed the base for privacy protection laws in several jurisdictions, including Canada and many European countries in the European Union.
The second date, 1996, the CSA Model Code for the Protection of Personal Information was released. You'll see in a moment that this is a core component of Canada's national legislation on privacy and the privacy regime in Canada generally.
The other dates really take you through the phased implementation of PIPEDA. It initially came into force in January 2001. It was extended to the health sector in 2002, but only came into full force in January 2004.
PIPEDA has two main parts, as slide 4 points out and as you've already pointed out, Mr. Chairman. The first provides the privacy protection obligations under the act. Parts 2 to 5 comprise the section dealing with electronic documents, and this part has a number of provisions that enable more effective use of electronic technologies within the federal government administration. It amends the Canada Evidence Act, the Statutory Instruments Act, and other legislation, and has a number of provisions that allow government departments to make use of e-business and electronic commerce techniques in their day-to-day administration.
Part 1, for privacy, actually sets the rules for the private sector in protecting personal information. If you look at the summary statement of the purpose of part 1 on slide 5, you can see that part 1 establishes these ground rules governing “the collection, use and disclosure of personal information”. You'll hear those words used quite often. The different rules regarding collection, use, and disclosure of personal information are set out quite clearly in the act.
The act balances two central considerations that are also contained in that statement of purpose: the need to protect the privacy of individuals and the need of organizations to collect, use, or disclose personal information for purposes that a reasonable person would consider appropriate in the circumstances. This really reflects the business reality that personal information is routinely used by consumers, businesses, and other organizations to conduct trade and commerce, and even more so in an online world.
On slide 6 we have tried to outline for you the key features of PIPEDA. First, it applies only to personal information and only to personal information that's used for commercial purposes. This is quite important in terms of defining the area and scope of the legislation.
Second, a very important feature is that this is built on a private sector code. It's a self-regulatory initiative, as it were, taken from the Canadian Standards Association. It's built on the CSA Model Code for the Protection of Personal Information, which, as I mentioned, was adopted before the legislation came into force. It's technology-neutral, although it certainly relates a lot to the way in which electronic technologies are now using and manipulating personal information and data generally. It applies to personal information in all formats, electronic and non-electronic. It applies across the economy as a whole; therefore, it has a broad marketplace scope and does not apply just to individual sectors. It's not based on criminal law and enforcement, but is enforced through the Privacy Commissioner of Canada and the Federal Court.
There are other key features. Just as important is what PIPEDA does not apply to. It does not apply to non-commercial activities or to non-personal information. There's a lot of data out there in electronic and non-electronic form that is not personal information and is not captured by the legislation. It doesn't cover any government institution that is subject to the federal Privacy Act. That's a different act; it is within the scope of this committee's interest, I know, but it is separate from the rules in PIPEDA. It does not cover employee records in the provincially regulated private sector. And there are a number of other areas that are not captured by the legislation.
The essential requirements and obligations under the act, as slide 8 points out, are cited in sections 3 to 5 in the law, but the real obligations are laid out in schedule 1, which, as I mentioned, is the CSA Model Code for the Protection of Personal Information. Subsection 5(3) has a further qualification about the need for a reasonable purpose test. You'll hear about that from many people.
The model code, schedule 1 of the act, has 10 basic principles. I won't go through all the details of those for you, but I think probably first among equals on that list is the need for consent. All privacy legislation, not just in Canada but in many other countries, is founded on the principle of consent.
There's also a number of principles--purpose, limiting collection, limiting use--which really points to the need to define purpose and limit the use of personal information when it is collected. That is sort of a matching set to the requirement for consent.
There's a number of provisions relating to access to ensure the reliability and accuracy of information that is maintained on a person.