That's a big challenge. I believe the commissioner, as part of his advocacy role, should do a complete assessment of Bill C-2 and publish, on his website, the perspective of the impact from the commissioner's point of view. I think it has to be done in concert with the executive in terms of what their perspective is as well. You just can't have two conflicting or two parallel tracks out there, so that's why I talk about this sustained dialogue. Without giving up independence, I think you can have that dialogue and come to some kind of common agreement as to where Bill C-2 will take us.
The impact of Bill C-2, of course, touches on the ATI, and it's an improvement. It's not the improvement that I understand the previous Information Commissioner wanted. The biggest improvement I think in recent times is not so much Bill C-2 as it is the creation of this committee. I believe there have been more appearances of the Information Commissioner since the creation of this committee, before parliamentarians, than there were in the previous 15 years. Now that there is a focused group of parliamentarians on the issues, that's a key way I think for the commissioner to get the message out, as you say, to brief MPs on a regular basis about the needs and the growing impact of the act on government, and maybe through this committee.... I know, for instance, that this committee has filed a report with the House requesting that the government bring in a comprehensive review of the act. That is to me proof that the dynamic is well on its way.
Sorry, Mr. Chair, if I'm going on at length, but as far as briefing new MPs is concerned, that's a big challenge. As Clerk of the House, we used to put on orientation sessions for MPs. I was approached by the Auditor General and by the language commissioner to see if they could find a module in there to at least explain their role and their relationship to Parliament. And we did from time to time have them in, but the demands on the new MPs' time in those critical weeks when the House is just back is tremendous. It's very hard and it's information overload.
So my tack on it would take the longer-term view, through this committee and other opportunities to interact with members, or one on one, even, with the office, to help them along in understanding what they can do and where they want to go and how we can help.