Thank you.
I was also impressed by your answer where you recognized the importance of the existence and creation of this committee. I was on the justice committee for years in the old days, and it had a tremendous agenda. The Information Commissioner and all these commissioners came before the justice committee, and their estimates and everything else got very short shrift because we had to plow through them quickly so we could get to the statutes we were considering on a daily basis.
So I think it was an excellent idea to create this committee. I'm glad to see you've reviewed some of the action of this committee, as I did when I first got on it. As I'm sure you can appreciate, there's a great deal of frustration. There was a great deal of frustration when the government was the opposition. Now there's a great deal of frustration when the former government is the opposition, because we're all waiting for a new access to information approach—I won't say an act. There's this “After you, Alphonse” attitude, as to who goes first.
One of the comments was that it was such a complex area that they didn't want to overburden Bill C-2, which was already complex. So now that Bill C-2 is done, hopefully we can concentrate on a new access to information act and bring it up to the 21st century.
I congratulate you on your appointment. I thank you for your frank and honest answers. I'm sure I speak on behalf of the entire committee, if you are confirmed, when I say we look forward to working with you in a way that will benefit the act and transparency for the good of all Canadians.
I understand Mr. Tilson would like the floor.