In our submission, there are a number of small suggestions that we haven't highlighted in our speaking notes and so on. They include things like the correction of professional and expert opinions.
Say there's a mortgage appraisal. Someone coming into a bank and asking for access to information may disagree with the value placed on their house. That's our appraiser's professional opinion and the person should not be able to correct it under PIPEDA, so the provincial legislation has dealt with that.
On collection of information in an individual's interest, the example we use in our submission is that I want to send my mother some flowers. Well, the florist has to get my mom's name and address for me to be able to send the flowers to her. Technically, that's a contravention of PIPEDA. There are a few little things like that.
Another one is found where access might preclude collection. In the employment context or in a whistle-blowing context, collecting that information and having someone have access to that might stop someone from whistle-blowing. There are a few things like that too.