We're coming to the conclusion, and I have a question to our IMS guests.
I'd like to read a quotation from the Business Law Journal, October 2006, from an article written by Lisa M. Austin. I don't know whether you're familiar with this. It gives the other side of the coin in terms of what your position is. I'd like to read it to you and ask for your comments.
This is on page 31 and page 32:And despite the Privacy Commissioner's assertion that prescription information provides little information about the physician, it is important to understand that pharmaceutical companies seek this information in part because they think that it does. They use this information to compile personalized physician prescribing patterns that they can then use for purposes of targeted marketing—a practice that many physicians object to if it is done without their knowledge or consent.
That gives the other side of what you're saying, and I'd like you to comment on that.