You're right. I believe the public needs to be informed of the risks in terms of protection of personal information, not only when it comes to cell phone use. In the past, people were afraid that someone could be eavesdropping on their conversations. With the advent of technology, the problem has grown far more serious. For instance, it's possible to obtain the telephone records associated with all types of telephones, residential as well as cellular.
You've raised an important question, one that involves various technologies. Consider, for example, GPS systems that are now installed in automobiles. Do people realize that their every movement can be tracked with these systems? I mentioned radio transmitters. We're wondering if all of these products should come with a mandatory label advising users to be cautious if they have a GPS system. People can even take pictures with their telephones. Perhaps users of such phones should be cautioned to proceed carefully because their privacy could be violated.
It's an ongoing challenge and that's why increasingly we're investing in our website. In our view, it's the best interactive way of reaching Canadians. Our website contains a great deal of information about new technologies and we encourage people to check it out.