Thank you.
With the committee's permission—and I hope I have it—I'd like to ask two questions in the remaining three minutes.
In your slide projection, or whatever these things are called, under the Privacy Act, you indicated that the Privacy Act came into force in July 1983, and you gave us this document, “Government Accountability for Personal Information: Reforming the Privacy Act”. It's a lengthy executive summary, which I haven't had an opportunity to read, but I note that you say:
To be effective, policy cannot be developed in a legal vacuum. The feebleness of the current legislation has created such a vacuum and the Privacy Act must be reformed to close the gap.
I want to give you a minute to expand on your call for a review of the Privacy Act. My specific question is, in your discussions with the bureaucracy--let's put it that way--where does the bureaucracy see a review of the Privacy Act in terms of its priorities?