I don't want to hold up while waiting for electronic means. The Privacy Commissioner has been kind enough to provide us with a paper copy of the documents, so allow me to introduce our witnesses and let them get right to their presentation.
First, of course, we have Jennifer Stoddart, the Privacy Commissioner. Welcome. And we have Heather H. Black, assistant commissioner, PIPEDA, the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act.
Parenthetically, members, the five-year mandatory review, for reasons best known to others, was referred to the industry committee. I and the chairman of the industry committee, Mr. Rajotte, have written to the House leaders, with the support of Mr. Tilson, to suggest that the reference should be to this committee. We haven't heard back yet from the House leaders, but hopefully the logic of that will dawn on them and they will refer that act to us.
And we have Raymond D'Aoust, assistant privacy commissioner.
Welcome to all of our witnesses. We'll start with Ms. Stoddart, who has a presentation, as you can see before you.
You have up to 20 minutes, but in view of the length of time we have and the questions that no doubt will come, we'll ask Ms. Stoddart to keep it in the vicinity of 15 minutes.