Thank you very much. I very much appreciate it. And yes, we did think a lot of her. She was a wonderful person.
Today we have, from the Canadian Resource Centre for Victims of Crime, Steve Sullivan. Hi Steve.
We also have Krista Gray-Donald, director of research. Good morning.
From the Insurance Brokers Association of Canada, we have Robert Kimball, chairman; Peter Fredericks, vice-president; and Steve Masnyk, manager of communications. I'd like to thank the insurance brokers for sending around the blanket once in a while to the MPs. I appreciate it.
From the Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police, we have Clayton J.D. Pecknold, co-chair, law amendments committee.
Welcome to everybody.
I guess we'll start in the order the witnesses are listed and ask Mr. Sullivan to make his opening remarks.
By the way, as everybody knows, you have up to 10 minutes to make your remarks--we do time you--and then there will be questions from the members. So don't worry, if you happen to run over, anything you don't get an opportunity to say in your remarks I'm sure you can say in your response to questions.
Go ahead, Mr. Sullivan.