Yes. Thank you.
Earlier, mention was made of conveying to businesses, both large and small, some knowledge of the act that they are required to enforce. Someone asked a good question on this subject. It was noted that the Commissioner travelled across Canada giving speeches about PIPEDA to keep people informed about procedures that must be followed.
Do you not think the government could take on more responsibility in terms of imparting information about the act to those concerned, using the case of the National Building Code as an example? The federal government publishes the code every five years or so and on that occasion, some representatives crisscross the country to bring people up to speed on any new provisions, even if there are only a few of them.
Some organizations also issue certifications, for example, in the case of ISO, LEED or Novo-Climat in Quebec. For instance, one-, two- or three- hour courses may be given to engineers to provide certifications.
Do you think it would be possible to increase awareness of the act's provisions among small businesses and large companies by providing personal information certifications?