The Personal Information Protection Act in Alberta actually goes somewhat beyond PIPEDA from a small business perspective, because it also has an order-making power. That made it a little bit more intimidating for them to deal with the Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner, but that's less of an issue. Rather, it expanded to employee information.
In terms of what that did to our membership out there, it was quite amazing how that became the focus for small and medium-sized companies, because except for the 56% with no employees, every company has employees, for the most part. They were very concerned about how to deal with this issue. It caused much confusion. A number of calls that we got were about whether or not they could give a reference or even call about this employee. There were many questions and much confusion around what they could do with their employees or not do with their employees, how it linked to things like human rights and to employment standards.
It was really not well thought out, so we ended up doing a lot of work with the provincial government to try to put tools together and handouts together. There's a lot of information in that province today because of that, but I found that it just added this extra layer of anxiety to our membership in Alberta.