Thank you.
Just to conclude, the issue of transborder flows of personal information is an issue that in our opinion we can deal with through the law as it stands and through contractual provisions in the private sector. I refer you to my first request, that we reinforce our ability to cooperate with other entities throughout the world.
Finally, I'd conclude with something that is not in PIPEDA but I think is a huge problem, and I took the liberty of addressing to this committee, Mr. Chairman, a copy of the letter I sent to Mr. Bernier on the issue of spam. I believe this has been distributed to you. I'm taking this opportunity, as you are the committee that deals with privacy matters, to remind you of how serious this problem is, how privacy-invasive it is.
The fact that we are the only G8 country not to have any legislation against spam is very worrying. I would encourage you to focus on the issue.
Mr. Chairman, that concludes our remarks. We would be pleased to answer any questions by committee members.