Commissioner, the issue that was discussed--and I don't believe you were here when it was discussed with the minister--was with respect to the part about privilege in section 23 and the concerns.... In fact, I'm just going to repeat what I said then.
I don't profess to know that much about solicitor-client privilege, other than the fact, as I think I said before, that it was my understanding that any lawyer could say, “Oh, that's solicitor-client privilege.” Anybody could say that. Normally, from my experience--which is limited, I'll admit--that's decided by a judge. So with this particular section--the proposed amended section with which the minister had expressed some concerns, the head of government, it seems, from my reading of it, decides whether or not he or she can say there's solicitor-client privilege. I suppose the person objecting to that could then appeal to the Information Commissioner. So ultimately the Information Commissioner would decide whether there was solicitor-client privilege.
I could be wrong in my interpretation of it. That's the first question.
The second question is--and we briefly discussed this a few moments ago. I don't know what “injurious to the interests of the Crown” means. So I have two questions.