Thank you very much, Minister.
Before we begin questions, I have just three brief points. You may or may not know that this committee was prevented from meeting in fact by the Standing Orders at any time that the legislative committee on C-2 was meeting. So we really haven't had too many meetings. I'm very pleased to get started on some issues, and I'm glad that you were able to advise us on some of your thoughts.
Secondly, you quoted the Supreme Court, which said that solicitor-client privilege was nearly absolute. That's really a surprise to me. I've been a lawyer for 30 years and I was always taught that it was sacrosanct. So I'm shocked that the Supreme Court thinks it's nearly absolute.
I just wanted to ask you something before we go to the first questioner. You began your comments by saying that you disagreed with several of the Information Commissioner's proposals. Then you asked the committee to consider a number of issues. On a number of the issues you asked us to consider, it sounds as if you disagree with the Information Commissioner's proposals on those issues. Are there any other issues on which you disagree with the Information Commissioner? If there are, could you advise us as to why you disagree?