I believe the program is something like $400 per course. It's the same thing as a university course in the sense that it's 35 hours of lecture and 90 hours of studies to get them through. Normally students will take one course per semester. Some have taken two. There are even good stories, where one gentleman came in and hired full-time professors so that he could get it all through in five courses as he's going through university. So it is a growth industry.
I'm corrected. It's $700 now per course. We started out at $400.
Most departments are paying those who wish to apply. It's not coming from the students; the government is supporting that. In our office, we support everyone who takes it.
We have 12 graduates in our office now, and I believe there are about 380 people in government now, across Canada, taking the courses. So it's provincial and federal. It's linked for both.