--more than the one violation, the apparent violation that was suggested initially, which has now been amended, because there may be other violations.
There may be violations by the Conservative government. There may or may not be, you know. There may or may not be violations by the former Liberal government. There may or may not be violations by the Globe and Mail reporter. How did this reporter all of a sudden get a report, take the blacked-out items, and put it on the front page of the Globe and Mail? How did that happen? Does that violate the act? If you look at section 15 of the act, it may well have violated the Access to Information Act.
I mean, you read some of these sections, and I don't know whether they've violated the act. We'd have to get legal people in here to give us advice. All of that has to be done.... I gather we're saying that the report has to be made by June 8. The committee's work would end on June 8. Is that the proposal?