Thank you.
As you know, when we were studying PIPEDA, the topic of notice came up quite a bit. We debated among ourselves and had witnesses. This was as a result of information that escaped from banks--either they thought it escaped and it didn't, or it did escape and ended up in some dump down in the States somewhere. I think Winners was another one. We were given the impression from different speakers that these sources of information didn't want it to get out that these things were happening, and they were going to deal with it.
The credit card companies themselves, Mr. Lawford, are going to cover you if someone takes something on your credit card and you can show that you didn't buy it. It probably justifies their 24% interest charge or whatever. The impression I got from most of the witnesses we heard was that these groups—the banks, the credit card companies, retailers themselves, lawyers—don't want people to know that the information got out or that they got ripped off. Accountants don't want to know that—it's bad for business—so they're going to do whatever they can.
Is this whole topic blown out of proportion? That's my question.