As I said earlier, there are only two sources of information in Canada on that. One is PhoneBusters, based on the relatively few complaints they get, and the second is some public opinion surveys.
Some colleagues of mine, Dr. Norm Archer and Dr. Susan Sproule, who are part of the ORNEC-funded project I spoke about at McMaster University, are focusing on this statistics issue. They have done a consumer survey, which I believe they have the results of already and will be reporting soon. You might want to hear from them on this issue. The problem is we don't have the statistics we need.
As John did, I would point to the United States, where the FTC has been specifically tasked, through identity theft legislation, to gather and report on statistics. So if you look at the FTC, there is much more information in the United States on the extent of the problem there--still not enough, but much better than here.