Mr. Chair, I am prepared to listen to Mr. Tilson, however, I think that, last week, we heard in great detail all the recriminations that he is repeating this morning. I don't think that we need to listen to them again.
I think that we should move on to the second item on the agenda and hear the witnesses. Even if he told us everything that happened last week and went into great detail, nothing would change. We will still go on to the second item. If we were to adopt the fourth report, which is the first item on the agenda, we could move on to hearing from our witnesses.
We are going around in circles and we went around in circles for five and a half hours last week. I don't think we need to go around in circles, again today. Today, we need to adopt the fourth report. We have talked about it, we voted to consider the report and to talk about it over the next few days. So, the member was aware of this.
Mr. Wallace says he wants to call upon new witnesses. He knows the procedure: he need only send the list of witnesses to the clerk. He doesn't need to tell the committee that he would like such and such an individual to appear; he can do it in writing, as per the procedure.
I move that we vote on the fourth report and that we get done with it, because they will drag it out until tomorrow morning.