To answer the question directly, to my knowledge Bill C-2 doesn't change the structure of the interpretation bulletins or the outcomes. What will change is that a registrar's office that we can speak to, if there is interest, that is structured to have a function that will actually look into these grey areas, create interpretation bulletins, and have them tested by the courts if necessary by having a decision made...that type of registration, that type of office, is not what has existed in the past. I now have an investigations directorate and a research function. I'll be asking Parliament for money through the supplementary estimates this year to fund those functions in the future.
So the bill itself doesn't change anything, but you have a much more enthusiastic, activist, and well-resourced function through, I would say, what Bill C-2 is proposing, with a mandate to go out and find out what these grey areas are and get them sorted out. I agree with you, grey areas are the death of any kind of system, because as soon as you find one grey area, people move into it and you can't get at them.